The age of exploration, we’re told, is over. We will never be the first to sail the Drake Passage, cross the Sahara, or trek the Himalayas. But we can still discover new frontiers....
Want travel inspiration you can page through as you sip your eggnog by the fireplace? Check out these five recent titles. They may just prompt you to drop everything and head out into the world!...
There are more than 100 different varieties of lemur that live in Madagascar—and only in Madagascar. Finding them entails a trek through the island’s rain forests… ...
Pablo Neruda celebrated lemons, socks, artichokes, bees, broken things. He filled his odes with clocks and memory, thread and temptation, wine and dreams...
If you travel to see rare wildlife, you may be an "extinction tourist." Are such trips more likely to help or harm the scarce animals you go to see?...