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La Vía Poética

Pablo Neruda celebrated lemons, socks, artichokes, bees, broken things. He filled his odes with clocks and memory, thread and temptation, wine and dreams...

A Buddhist Boudhanath Glow

A golden pinnacle and four sets of hypnotic eyes crown the Boudhanath Stupa, a 2,000-year-old Tibetan Buddhist holy site in Nepal. Visiting the stupa in full moonlight is believed to be a high act of Buddhist practice — so I went when both the moon...

25 Things I Love About Brazil

As much as I love exploring the wilderness areas of Brazil, it’s the people and culture that most touch my soul. After five months there, what I remember most are the endearing characteristics of the Brazilians I met, from Teresopolis to Rio de Janeiro to...

Hong Kong with Kids

If your family has never traveled in Asia, Hong Kong is a great place for a crash course. Whether you come for a week or just a few days, you’ll find a lot of brightness and bustle in one safe, fun package. My advice:...

Top Five Medium-Sized Cities to Visit in Europe

It’s difficult deciding where to go on a first (or second, or even tenth) trip to Europe. While undeniably exciting, big cities like Paris, London, and Rome can leave you flat broke and exhausted. Picturesque villages, by contrast, can be pretty to look at…for about...