Looking for Lemurs in Madagascar
There are more than 100 different varieties of lemur that live in Madagascar—and only in Madagascar. Finding them entails a trek through the island’s rain forests… ...
There are more than 100 different varieties of lemur that live in Madagascar—and only in Madagascar. Finding them entails a trek through the island’s rain forests… ...
If you travel to see rare wildlife, you may be an "extinction tourist." Are such trips more likely to help or harm the scarce animals you go to see?...
In China, you can marvel at giant pandas, volunteer alongside keepers, snuggle with a panda to fund conservation, even search for wild pandas in the forest...
Gorilla trekking fees are expensive, and in Rwanda, they just got higher. For Africa’s endangered gorillas, however, those permits represent a hope that many say is priceless....
Documentary filmmaker Garrett Martin and three other young travelers spent four months in the wilderness of Patagonia, and joined one of the strongest conservation movements in the world....
I have been roaming the wide world for more than four decades, first as a student and then as a travel writer, and each trip has underscored the validity and power of a simple truth...
It had been a disastrous day on Mount Rainier and night was falling. A few feet away, my climbing partner lay on the ground with a life-threatening chest wound...
The global tourism industry is worth trillions of dollars. To force nations to revise harmful human rights and wildlife policies, do travel boycotts work?...
While fewer than 200 stars are typically visible to city dwellers, up to 15,000 are on display in the least disturbed night skies. We may have to go in search of starlight, but chasing dark skies is an exhilarating travel adventure....
In Botswana’s Okavango Delta, we were bumping along a dirt track through the Moremi Game Reserve when we heard them first. A shrill trumpet blasted through the mopane forest. Seconds later, we saw them, bursting through the trees at a fast trot. Our Land Cruiser...